


In person financial aid services are centralized for all CR locations at the Eureka campus. 



提交表格请使用 eform 向助学金办公室提交表格的平台.



9 am-4pm

11 am-3pm




一旦你完成了在线经济援助申请, the CR financial aid office may request additional documents before your eligibility can be determined for some types of aid. Financial aid documents must be submitted electronically through eform. 

有关导航电子表单的帮助,请查看  eform教程


登录到 WebAdvisor and check ‘myFinAid’ to see if there are any required documents missing. 如适用,每份所需电子表格均会附有连结  (eform登录页面提示:使用学生邮箱登录凭据).  Also watch for emails in your student email account regarding any new requirements or status updates.



使用下面的链接访问可选的电子表单. 有关浏览电子表单的帮助,请参阅下面的常见问题解答或查看  eform教程  (eform登录页面提示:使用学生邮箱登录凭据)

额外的文件 – to submit follow up documentation or other miscellaneous documents that you wish to submit.

发布信息 – to give permission for us to share your financial aid information with someone other than you

依赖状态审查 -申请成为独立学生以获得经济资助

依赖状态更新 – to renew your Independent status for a future year after prior approval

直接贷款申请 -申请学生贷款(申请贷款的其他细节和步骤)

直接贷款变更申请 -要求更改或取消现有贷款

取消资助 – to cancel some or all of your financial aid awards (if you are cancelling a 贷款只,使用直接贷款更改申请表格)



Most forms are due prior to your last date of attendance for the academic year.  然而, the following term-specific forms are due before your last date of attendance for the term: SAP Appeals and term-specific Loan Requests.


Please allow 2-5 days after submitting an eForm for it to show as 'received' in myFinAid. Your file will be reviewed when all requested documents have been received. Files are reviewed in the order they were completed and the review process may take 2-4 weeks.

请随时通过finaid@红杉与我们联系.Edu .如果你有任何问题或需要帮助!




A log in error will occur if a different gmail account (such as a personal one) is logged into the device being used to access eforms. 要解决此错误,请执行以下操作:

  1. http://bikinganteng.com
  2. 点击左上角的“学生电邮”.
  3. 登录你的学生邮箱.
  4. Log into eform using the links provided in the financial aid emails, myFinAid, or at: http://eFormss.bikinganteng.com

This process ensures that eform does not try to use a personal google account. 更多信息请参见 eform教程的第2页. 如果学生需要额外的帮助,请参见 教程第3页.

Students can find out which financial aid eform they need to submit by:

  • Checking myFinAid in Webadvisor and then clicking on “Complete Required Documents”
  • 学生也会被发送电子邮件到他们的学生邮箱(mycr).红杉.Edu)关于他们需要提交哪些表格
  • Students can also log into eform and check the eForm Checklist found at the of the forms section.

请参阅 eform教程的第6页 如需更多信息,您也可以通过您的学生邮箱发送电子邮件给我们 finaid@红杉.edu

Students can attach documents to an eForm by using the “attachments” button at the bottom of the eForm. 有些表单需要附件, some offer options attachments and other eform do not provide an option to attach a document. 请参阅 eform教程的第9页.

If a student needs to submit a document that isn’t a form or cannot be submitted with any of our current eform, 他们可以使用“附加文件”电子表格. 请参阅 eform教程的第12页.

If the “unsubmittable” error occurs while trying to submit an eForm, please do the following:

  1. Check for any additional error mess年龄s, typically the eForm will state what the issue is.
  2. Read the instructions of the eForm, some eform require an attachment.
  3. Some eForm have required fields, make sure all required fields are filled out.
  4. 刷新浏览器并重新提交eForm.

If the “unsubmittable” error continues to occur please contact our financial aid office for additional assistance. 请电邮至: finaid@红杉.edu

Please allow 1-2 weeks for financial aid staff to review your submitted eForm. Students can check the activity section of eform to see if their eForm was successfully submitted. 请参考 eForm教程的第14页 参阅更多有关检查已提交电子表格的状态的资料.

一旦财务援助人员审阅了你的电子表格, 它将在学生的myFinAid中标记为已收到.

如果电子表格有问题, it will be returned to the student’s eForm inbox and an email notification will be sent to the students email. The student will be provided a link in their student email to access their returned eForm or they can log back into eforms and access their inbox. 已退回的电子表格可以更正并重新提交. 请参考 eform教程的第15页 浏览更多有关已退回电子表格的资料.

Students receive an email in their student email regarding returned eform. The email will include a comment from financial aid staff providing reasons/guidance. The email will also contain a direct link to access the returned eForm.

返回的电子表单被发送到电子表单系统的收件箱. 学生可以通过以下命令登录eform http://eFormss.bikinganteng.com,登录,然后点击“收件箱”."请参阅 在eform教程第15页 浏览更多有关电子表格及收件夹功能的资料.

If you have submitted a eForm you may not be able to resubmit the same form again unless this form has been returned to your eForm inbox. Some eform may only be submitted once, other eform may be submitted multiple times.

Please note, it takes 1-2 weeks for your submitted eForm to be marked as received in your myFinAid.

If you are being asked to submit additional documentation to an accepted eForm, 你可能会被要求使用MISC. eForm or the 额外的文件 eForm for submitting additional information. 请参考 your myFinAid for more information on which eform you need to submit.

If you made a mistake on a submitted eForm and would like to make a correction, 请使用学生邮箱与我们联系: finaid@红杉.edu

Students can review their submitted eform by clicking on “Activity” in the eform platform. The activity section will show what eform are “in progress” waiting to be reviewed by 金融援助 工作人员 and which forms have “ended” which means 金融援助 工作人员 have reviewed and accepted your eForm.

如欲进一步了解电子表格的状态,请参阅 eform教程的第14页.
