




使命: Our Mission is to ensure that every student has safe, 安全的住房, 获取健康食品, and financial stability, that will help them succeed at College of the Redwoods and in 生活.  


Our mission is to improve 学术 and social outcomes by increasing student retention, success, and completion rates among students attending College of the Redwoods who are housing and food insecure.

基本需要中心 Donation List



尤里卡网站: 新时间
Monday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

After 小时: Call (707) 476-4111 for a food bag

Del Norte网站
Tues/Wed: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 1:00pm

Klamath-Trinity:只接受预约.  请致电(530)625-4821.

食品分发处 电话:707-476-4153


If you are experiencing a crisis, or if someone you know is, 请拨打911, or call the 24-hour Crisis Line at 707-445-7715. The toll-free number is 888-849-5728.

You can also call County Outpatient Services at 707-268-2900 and let them know that you need services. 一旦你被评估, you may be eligible for  a wide variety of services, from counseling to assistance with housing.

If you are on a CR campus, you can also call Public Safety at 707-476-4111.


核心价值观 of the 基本需要中心

  • 尊严
  • 赋权
  • 社区
  • 尊重多样性


   We are here to help even the playing field. 


食品分发处/Clothing Closet


The CR 基本需要中心 seeks to decrease stigma and empower students to achieve 学术 success through increasing access to services and resources in a caring community.

Description of Services

The Basic Needs Center provides application assistance and information on Cal Fresh and Medi-Cal, access to the 食品分发处, referrals to on and off campus programs in a welcoming community space.

The Basic Needs Center has moved!

我们现在在 Mendo休息室, between 学生服务 and 住房. 






CR offers housing for up to 160 students in two buildings. Residency in the dorms includes a meal plan at the cafeteria, on site laundry facilities , and free admission to CR events.

红杉的房间 & 董事会奖学金 

  • The College of the Redwoods Residence Hall Scholarship program is designed to provide transitional housing for students experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.
  • Each scholarship award is for one semester.The awards are renewable for a maximum of two 学术 years as long as the student continues to meet the scholarship requirement criteria.
  • The intent is to provide each student with the support and 生活 skills to transition to off-campus housing as soon as they are capable.




健康 is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling 生活. 健康 is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.

"...a state of complete physical, 精神, 社会福利, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
- The World Health Organization





  • Arcata House Partnership
  • Cal Poly Humboldt University
  • Cal Poly Humboldt University OhSNAP! - http://hsuohsnap.org/
  • Cal Poly Humboldt College Corps
  • College of the Redwoods Shively Farm
  • College of the Redwoods Multi-cultural & 股权投资中心
  • College of the Redwoods Career Center
  • Department of Health and Human Services - CalFresh 程序
  • Office of Education (Humboldt, Del Norte)

Facilities Available on Campus

24-Hour Restroom Access

The gender-neutral restroom located just outside of the Mendocino Lounge at the CR Residence Halls is now open 24-hours/day, 一周7天, including weekends and holidays, to ensure students have restroom access after business hours.


The women's and men's showers located in the locker rooms between the Physical Education Building and the Field House are available to all students Monday through Friday, 从早上7点到晚上7点. If you need access on the weekends or holidays, please call Public Safety at (707) 476-4112. Towels are not provided but may be available at the 基本需要中心 in FM 111. 


The locker rooms in the Physical Education Building are available to be used by students. Students will need to provide their own locks. Students do not need to notify anyone once they have selected a locker or lockers, simply place your lock on the locker. You will need to remove the contents of the locker at the end of the semester so custodians can clean the insides of all of the lockers.  Locks are available at the 基本需要中心 in FM 111.


洗衣 detergent and laundry vouchers are available at the 基本需要中心 in FM 111. Vouchers are limited to 1 per student per month.. 


一般的问题 电话:476-4135 电子邮件: Welcome-Center@红杉.edu
招生 电话:476 - 4200 电子邮件: admissions@红杉.edu
金融援助 电话:476 - 4182 电子邮件: finaid@红杉.edu
咨询 电话:476 - 4150 电子邮件: counseling@红杉.edu

Basic Needs official logo reound red




Mendocino Lounge, between 学生服务 and 住房

Mon - Fri 9:00am-4:00pm or by appointment at (707)476-4111.

  2023 College of the Redwoods